Artful Amblings Oct 30th

*Also published on
Thank you to our guest host GLENDA!!

When I am in my art room time stands still. My soul is free to fly. I am free to be me. I love the word FREE and it can mean many things to many different people. What does FREE mean for you?
Technique to Try: I don't know about you but I have a whack (3 bins actually) of tapes. I have fabric covered tapes, gaffer tapes, plastic tapes, felt tapes, etc..

I don't use them nearly enough so for this prompt I challenged myself to use as many of them as I could. I used 5 different tapes on this page and it felt good!!!! When I make pages for my art journal I also love using photographs. It lets me look back and see what was happening at certain times in my life and remember. So I would love it if you would try using tapes (if you have them) as well as a photograph. Yeah, I am saying 2 techniques. I'm crazy like that! mmawwaaa! I can hardly wait to see what you all do and most importantly have fun!!
All images and content on this blog is copyright to Rachel Whetzel unless otherwise specified. Please give credit when sharing your art that is inspired here! Thank you so much!!


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