Whatever and Whatnot Sept 15th

THE PROMPT: Once Upon a Time
THE STUFF: Share the fairy tale story/character you relate to the most. Give it your own personal twist like the ABC show, where Red Riding Hood IS the wolf...
THE TECHNIQUE: Crowns, Apples, Imagery that echos the fairytale story... use a page from the story itself...

Once upon a time, I had different dreams then what I dream of now.  It's crazy how the course of just 7 years can change a person so much.  It's a complete 180 of how I use to think and act.  And I wouldn't change a thing!  Once I jumped down that rabbit hole, I haven't looked back.  And I'm super glad that I did! 

This prompt made me think of the title "Beauty and the beast" which was perfect for this picture I had of my daughter and granddaughter and our dog Skyler. I am a sucker for crowns and love using them alot so I also added one to this page.

Most days, I feel like I'm a part of Alice in Wonderland... and I've just met the Cheshire Cat... :) 
The rules
  1. Use all three or just one or two parts of the prompts.
  2. MAKE THEM YOURS. These prompts are IDEAS. They are not set in stone. I do encourage you to stretch yourself. If you find a prompt doesn't speak to you, think on it. Find a way to MAKE it speak to you, and go with that.
  3. There is NO right or wrong.
  4. Share your feedback positively. ABSOLUTELY no judging of what others share. (If I find that people aren't following this rule, I will remove links left by that person.)
  5. This is a place for you to explore! It doesn't matter if you've just gotten here in the middle of the year, or if you've gotten "behind" and don't create every day. It doesn't matter if you don't create at ALL... (although we'd love it if you do)    

All images and content on this blog is copyright to Rachel Whetzel and Guest Hosts. Please give credit when sharing your art that is inspired here! Thank you so much!!


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