Artful Amblings Feb 28th
*Also published on
Our end of the month post is brought to you by LARA!!
I then used this template to place over images I was drawn to, framed them inside the cut out, then cut them directly out through the hole using my exacto knife. The card stock was thick enough to provide a good guide, but if you don't have card stock, or are nervous about cutting without a true straight edge, you could always trace with a pen around the hole then cut after.
For my digital images I used the same sort of method but using the Layers Palette in Photoshop. If you would like a step by step tutorial for that give me a shout out on my email or at the ning group and i can send you something.
As far as the number of inchies you want to do and the placement of them, i think it's completely up to you. I like symmetry so I cut an even number i could divide in half on each side of my journal spread. I tried laying them out in many different ways - grids, lines, frames ... and ended up with what i did because it was the most visually appealing to me.
All images and content on this blog is copyright to Rachel Whetzel unless otherwise specified. Please give credit when sharing your art that is inspired here! Thank you so much!!
Our end of the month post is brought to you by LARA!!
Silence and i have a weird relationship. I crave it yet fear it. Sometimes silence is louder than a rock concert for me. Other times it's calming and relieving.
Do you always need some sort of noise stimulus around you to feel comfortable, or do you look for times in your day to maybe meditate or just be still in?
I decided to express how i feel about Silence using Inchies! It's a very visual way to create a page which is exactly what i need right now as I've been journaling-challenged as of late. I found images in books and magazines, as well as used more personal images from my flickr page that silent my mind when i look at them.I then used this template to place over images I was drawn to, framed them inside the cut out, then cut them directly out through the hole using my exacto knife. The card stock was thick enough to provide a good guide, but if you don't have card stock, or are nervous about cutting without a true straight edge, you could always trace with a pen around the hole then cut after.
For my digital images I used the same sort of method but using the Layers Palette in Photoshop. If you would like a step by step tutorial for that give me a shout out on my email or at the ning group and i can send you something.
As far as the number of inchies you want to do and the placement of them, i think it's completely up to you. I like symmetry so I cut an even number i could divide in half on each side of my journal spread. I tried laying them out in many different ways - grids, lines, frames ... and ended up with what i did because it was the most visually appealing to me.
All images and content on this blog is copyright to Rachel Whetzel unless otherwise specified. Please give credit when sharing your art that is inspired here! Thank you so much!!
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NOTICE: due to the high amount of spam comments I have to filter each day here, I have removed the ability to comment anonymously. If you do not have a google, wordpress, typepad, aim or live journal account to comment with, please consider creating one!