Musical Musings Feb15th

Happy belated Valentines Day!! So sorry to be posting this a day late. Time got away from me!
I thought I would skip the expected "lovey" type prompts you might expect around the lover's day of the year... some folks don't HAVE a Valentine...
THE SONG: Breakin' Dishes by Rihanna
Written Lyrics HERE

Thanks to the guest hosts this month that played along so I'd have examples to share with all of you!!
I never worked with bleach before, and I looked at some tutorials on the Internet first. After that, I went crazy - experimenting with bleach and stamps and brushes and ink and watercolor paint.. woowheee... I had a blast!!! I ended up with this page, but I'm sure I will use more bleach in future work. I would never have thought of using this technique if it wasn't for this prompt, thanks Rachel!
(I used airondack spray ink and a brush to make the strokes and some splatter with bleach. The quotation marks are a stamp dipped into bleach. I found the pointing hands in a magazine.

To me the page represents my struggle between thinking in black and white terms all the time and trying to hit an ever moving and still elusive target of self acceptance. The words "stop the fight" aren't bold or even that noticeable which worked out well since its a statement i'm wishy washy about.

I started out with black cardstock paper (I knew there was a reason why i put it in my art journal) and dripped bleach on it. It looked super cool - although, word to the wise, you need to let it sit for a good couple of hours to strip the color. I then put the words on by masking with alpha stickers and spraying Acrylic Fluid Paint on it.

I was inspired by the word "fight" in the prompt and used it to say that I still have alot of fight left in me even though I have had some hard times during my life. I chose to do a "soundtrack of my life" but instead of using songs I put down what I believe in. What makes me the way I am. I didn't break out the bleach as I don't own any (I know, horrors right??) haha

All images and content on this blog is copyright to Rachel Whetzel and Guest Hosts. Please give credit when sharing your art that is inspired here! Thank you so much!!


  1. your pages are so striking!!! i love the black paper.

  2. Wowza girls! these pages are hot! I can't wait to work on this prompt...I'm still playing catch up from all the time we were gone to WI...I've used bleach on some pages a long, long time ago and forgot what cool results come from it! I'll be working on this one this weekend! Thanks for the inspiration!

  3. I really enjoyed the creating process this time! Here's my link:

  4. Great techniques!~ This was an interesting prompt for me...blogged here:

  5. I really love this! I used the prompt "fight" to jump off into this page, in celebration of my 40th birthday and the person I feel I've become in the last 40 years.

  6. Finished my page!

    Thanks tons!!

  7. And, it's also in the Flickr group!

  8. I love your inspirations! Here my second and third prompt interpretation
    Thank you :)


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